Podiatric Medicine and Surgical Residency Program
Welcome and thank you for your interest in the Crozer Health Podiatric Medicine and Surgical Residency Program. As one of the premier 36-month residency programs in United States, we provide residents with a broad spectrum of clinical and didactic experiences, preparing them to practice exceptional podiatric medicine and surgery in today's dynamic health care environment.
The Crozer experience emphasizes the progressive development of skills and knowledge through clinical rotations in the range of many medical disciplines - from podiatric and orthopedic surgery to family medicine and sports medicine, based on a sound philosophy of specialty training.
Podiatric residents train at the hospitals and specialized facilities that make up Crozer Health, including Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, Taylor Hospital, Springfield Hospital. and the Crozer Health Center for Wound Healing and Hyperbaric Medicine. These locations provide numerous surgical opportunities as well as exposure to a variety of clinical settings. Our residents are also welcome to rotate through attendings' offices to get real-life, day-to-day podiatric experience.
Additionally, the Trauma Center at the Crozer-Chester Medical Center allows our residents to be exposed to cases involving a significant amount of trauma to the foot and ankle. Our residents graduate with special credentials in rear-foot reconstruction and ankle surgery.
Through our three-year podiatric program, podiatric residents develop into versatile, highly skilled surgeons and clinicians with a commitment to compassionate patient care.
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Contact Us
Rhonda Cornell, DPM
Podiatric Residency Program Crozer Chester Medical Center
1 Medical Center Boulevard, 1 Central
Upland, PA 19013
Phone: 610-447-6354
Fax: 610-619-7409
E-mail: diane.wysocki@crozer.org
How to Apply
Applications are accepted through CASPR, a central, online application service of the American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine (AACPM).