Nursing at Crozer Health
One Vision. One Mission. Shared Values.
Our Nursing Team
Crozer Health 's structural environment maximizes nurses' effectiveness and professional development and promotes and supports nurses' involvement in community efforts.
The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses
Crozer Health honors the compassion and care bedside nurses provide their patients with the monthly DAISY Award.
PQRST Pain Assessment Method
The PQRST pain assessment method is a valuable tool to accurately describe, assess and document a patient’s pain.
High-Reliability Organization
If you are a nurse who thrives in environments that provide autonomy and empowers you to make decisions and promote collegial relationships, our hospitals may be for you! To empower our staff—and especially nurses—Prospect Medical Holdings began the journey to become a High-Reliability Organization (HRO) in 2019.
Stories of Courage
Our clinical leaders share stories of sacrifice, encouragement and gratitude.
Graduate Nurse Program
Crozer Health offers a residency/support program for new graduate nurses.
DAISY Award Winners

Crozer Health Recognizes Julianne Gray, R.N., as CCMC's DAISY® Award Recipient for September
Julianne Gray, R.N.(with certificate), Labor & Delivery, is Crozer-Chester Medical Center's DAISY Award winner for September 2021. Julie's nominator, a nervous mother-to-be in labor, said "...and then the day shift nurse came in to introduce herself, her name was Julie. From that point on I had an overwhelming sense of calmness and security knowing she was my nurse. To say she was attentive, caring, knowledgeable, and compassionate would be an understatement." Julie Did all she could to assure her patient's comfort through a trying delivery, to coach her through the rough spots, and to make breastfeeding easier after delivery."With her help, our sweet boy latched almost immediately after birth. I truly don't have enough good things to say about Julie. I honestly don't think I would have gotten through labor and delivery so easily and with little to no anxiety without her by my side. She is a true asset to the labor and delivery team and I hope her supervisors and coworkers know what an extraordinary nurse and human being they have on their team. Any expectant mother would be more than lucky to her have as their nurse. My husband and I appreciate her more than words can explain and will forever remember the impact she had on us and our birth story." Thank you and congratulations, Julie!

Crozer Health Recognizes Dennis Malamut, R.N., as CCMC's DAISY® Award Recipient for August
Dennis Malamut, R.N., was recognized as Crozer-Chester Medical Center's DAISY Award winner for August. From his nomination, "Dennis is a very knowledgeable and strong cardiac nurse" who gravitates toward the sickest patients and "advocates for them like a barracuda," making sure there are no gaps in care and any issues are addressed. He is also a strong resource for night-shift nurses and interns.

Crozer Health Recognizes Paul Tuohey, R.N., as DAISY® Award Recipient
Paul Tuohey, R.N., works on the Taylor Hospital Regional Rehabilitation Unit and had a total of six nominations submitted from patients and families. They all expressed their gratitude for the way Paul demonstrates compassion for his patients, empathy in all that he does while caring for them at the bedside, as well as how he made his patients feel valued during their stay. We are so very thankful to have Paul as a part of our team.

Crozer Health Recognizes Jodi O’Neill, R.N., as DAISY® Award Recipient
Crozer Health recently recognized Jodi O'Neill, R.N., from the Emergency Room at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, as a recipient of The DAISY® Award.

DAISY® Award Recipient Kimberly Menasion R.N.
Taylor Hospital nurse Kimberly Menasion was presented with a Daisy Award for receiving two nominations from a patient’s family. She was described by the family as innovative and extraordinary. Kim has been a nurse at Taylor since 2012, working in the rehab unit. She is currently pursuing a BSN, actively participates in unit initiatives, and mentors new teammates. Kim demonstrates exceptional kindness and compassion to her patients every day, and is a true example of a team player.

DAISY® Award Recipient Miguel Gomez R.N.
Crozer Health recently recognized Miguel Gomez R.N., from 5 Central at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, as a recipient of The DAISY® Award.
DAISY® Award Recipients

Crozer Health Recognizes Dennis Malamut, R.N., as CCMC's DAISY® Award Recipient for August
Dennis Malamut, R.N., was recognized as Crozer-Chester Medical Center's DAISY Award winner for August. From his nomination, "Dennis is a very knowledgeable and strong cardiac nurse" who gravitates toward the sickest patients and "advocates for them like a barracuda," making sure there are no gaps in care and any issues are addressed. He is also a strong resource for night-shift nurses and interns.

Crozer Health Recognizes Paul Tuohey, R.N., as DAISY® Award Recipient
Paul Tuohey, R.N., works on the Taylor Hospital Regional Rehabilitation Unit and had a total of six nominations submitted from patients and families. They all expressed their gratitude for the way Paul demonstrates compassion for his patients, empathy in all that he does while caring for them at the bedside, as well as how he made his patients feel valued during their stay. We are so very thankful to have Paul as a part of our team.

Crozer Health Recognizes Jodi O’Neill, R.N., as DAISY® Award Recipient
Crozer Health recently recognized Jodi O'Neill, R.N., from the Emergency Room at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, as a recipient of The DAISY® Award.

DAISY® Award Recipient Kimberly Menasion R.N.
Taylor Hospital nurse Kimberly Menasion was presented with a Daisy Award for receiving two nominations from a patient’s family. She was described by the family as innovative and extraordinary. Kim has been a nurse at Taylor since 2012, working in the rehab unit. She is currently pursuing a BSN, actively participates in unit initiatives, and mentors new teammates. Kim demonstrates exceptional kindness and compassion to her patients every day, and is a true example of a team player.

DAISY® Award Recipient Miguel Gomez R.N.
Crozer Health recently recognized Miguel Gomez R.N., from 5 Central at Delaware County Memorial Hospital, as a recipient of The DAISY® Award.

DAISY® Award Recipient Megan George, R.N.
Crozer Health recently recognized Megan George R.N., from the Emergency Department at Crozer-Chester Medical Center, as a recipient of The DAISY® Award.
We're Hiring!
Crozer Health has full- and part-time nursing positions available at all four of our acute care hospitals. We are seeking registered nurses (RNs) for our Emergency Departments, Intensive Care Units (ICUs), Neuro ICU, Operating Rooms and Burn Treatment Center.