Age Group
Children, Adolescents, Teenagers, Adults
Orthopedics, Sports Medicine
Hamstring/Quadriceps Injury, Hip Arthritis, Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tears, Impingement Syndromes, Labral Tears and Shoulder Instability, Shoulder Arthritis, Knee Meniscus Tears, Cartilage Injury, Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injury, ACL Injury
Arthroscopic Surgery
Approach to Patient Care
I like to take an educational approach to patient care making sure they fully understand their diagnosis, why they are in pain and to help them determine the best most advanced treatment option available to them. Additionally, I believe in using modern techniques and technology to give the patients the best chance at an excellent outcome.
Additional Procedures
Hip Arthroscopy: Labral Repair with treatment of FAI / Hip replacements (Anterior Approach or Posterior Approach), Hip Fracture Surgery, Hip Injections for Pain, Shoulder Arthroscopy: Rotator Cuff Repair, Labral Repair, Instability Management, Superior -
Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Surgery
Medical School
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Lenox Hill Hospital
Orthopaedic Surgery
Teaching or Professional Positions
- Los Angeles Lakers Assistant Team Physician
- Los Angeles Kings Assistant Team Physician
- Los Angeles Dodgers Assistant Team Physician
- Los Angeles Sparks Assistant Team Physician
- USC Athletic Department Assistant Team Physician
- Loyola Marymount University Assistant Team Physician
- Anaheim Mighty Ducks Assistant Team Physician
- Rye High School Football Assistant Team Physician
- John F. Kennedy High School Football Assistant Team Physician
- Public Schools Athletic League Rugby Tournament Team Physician
- Francis College Athletics Assistant Team Physician
- Long Island University Brooklyn Blackbirds Assistant Team Physician
Professional Memberships
- 2015 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
- 2010-2015 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS)
- 2014-2015 AO Trauma Foundation
Honors and Awards
- Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Lenox Hill Research Day
- Chief Resident, Orthopaedic Surgery Department, Lenox Hill Hospital
- American Orthopaedic Association (AOA) Resident Leader Forum Nominee
Clinical Research
1. Birns ME, Andrachuk J, Roth N, Galano, G. Superior labral anterior to posterior lesions of the shoulder: a concise review. Minerva Ortop Traumatol. 2012;63:229-40.
2. Birns ME, Mbabuike J, Porter D, Galano, G. Arthroscopic tenodesis of the long head of the biceps: technical note. Orthopedics. 2014 Nov;37(11):743-7.
3. Birns ME, Suppan CA, Spencer SA, Hedequist D, Yen, YM. A Descriptive Case Series of ExtraPhyseal Medial Malleous Fractures in the Pediatric and Adolescent Population Treated With ORIF. 2015. Submitted to Journal of Children Orthopaedics
4. Birns ME, Hershman EB, Mick TM, Fukunaga T, McHugh M, Bharam S. Do Patients with
Patellofemoral Syndrome have Worse Outcomes after Physical Therapy if they also have
Femoroacetabular Impingement? IRB Approved prospective double-blinded study, in enrollment5. Birns ME, Porter D, Hobart S, Galano, G. Techniques for arthroscopically-assisted treatment of osseous instability of the shoulder. Submitted to Arthroscopy
6. Birns ME, Banffy M, Limpisvasti, O. Pain control outcomes after posterior capsular marcaine injection of the knee during ACL reconstruction. IRB pending prospective, randomized, blinded trial at Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic

Michael E. Birns, M.D.
Orthopedics, Sports Medicine
Request an appointment
Birns has admitting privileges at Crozer-Chester Medical Center, Delaware County Memorial Hospital, Springfield Hospital, and Taylor Hospital.